Technology and Quality
Evolution of unique technology
The core technology that supports Lasertec's creation of cutting-edge products is "applied optical technology."
Fusion of technology with hands-on experience
Lasertec engineers not only take on product development but also look after all aspects of each product in its lifecycle including planning, element technology research, prototyping, designing, manufacturing, delivery, installation, and maintenance. Thanks to this wide-range experience, the engineers can address problems with a multifaceted approach offering lots of unique ideas. This helps them find a good solution even if they face a difficult challenge from the customer.
Rapid product development
Our engineers try to grasp new market needs through daily communication with customers. We address these new needs and potential applications collected in the field using the venue of Design Review where management also participates for quick decision making. We also encourage engineers with the same functional responsibility from different departments to get together to engage in inter-departmental sharing of knowledge and experience. As seen in these examples, we keep a flat and flexible organization that promotes knowledge sharing to enable rapid product development.
Intellectual property (IP) strategy
We recognize the importance of IP rights. We protect our intellectual property by making patent applications and other filings promptly and, at the same time, prevent the infringement of other people's IP rights in a systematic approach. We focus the task of setting up and managing an IP database on a single department, which also takes care of the administration of patent filings. We conduct internal IP training regularly and reward in-house inventors to promote patent applications. Because of these IP activities, we have received recognitions from outside authorities. For example, we were awarded the Commissioner of Japan Patent Office Award by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2013.
Collaboration with third parties
We have a track record of participation in joint research and development with universities, research institutions, consortiums and others in Japan and abroad to study and/or develop next-generation technologies. Most recently, we collaborated with EIDEC*1 in the ABI*2 project, which completed the development of a EUV mask blank inspection system in 2016. A new product named ABICS, which contributes to the realization of EUV lithography, was born from this project.
- *1EIDEC is an acronym of EUVL Infrastructure Development Center.
- *2ABI stands for Actinic Blank Inspection.
Quality management
Lasertec has established a quality management system based on ISO9001 at its headquarters in Japan, providing customers with high-quality products and services to meet their demanding requirements.
Basic policy of quality management
We continuously pursue customer satisfaction and make improvements.
- Provision of products that meet customer requirements
- Business growth by the achievement of customer satisfaction
- Pursuit of efficiency in manufacturing and work
- Assurance of effective quality management and continuous improvement
- Compliance with ISO standards, laws, and regulations
Quality management system
We are engaged in activities to increase quality, safety and reliability, with Quality Assurance Department playing a pivotal role, based on the seven principles of quality management system (1. Customer Focus, 2. Leadership, 3. Engagement of People, 4. Process Approach, 5. Improvement, 6. Evidence-based Decision Making, 7. Relationship Management).
We hold a Quality Conference every quarter. Senior management including the president and the general managers of technology departments attend the Conference. At this Conference, we review the status of operation of our products installed at customer sites, see if there are any significant troubles and quality issues, and discuss corrective actions to enhance product quality and reliability and to maximize customer satisfaction.
Initiatives to increase customer satisfaction
We provide high quality products and services that meet the demanding requirements of customers in the leading-edge technology areas. We are striving to increase customer satisfaction to establish a solid relationship built on trust by taking the following approach:
- 1After understanding challenges facing customers and accurately grasping their requirements and expectations, develop products that fit the needs and provide services ahead of anyone else.
- 2Establish a system that enables us to provide products and services in a timely manner, with all parties cooperating. This also means the maintenance and strengthening of the entire supply chain all the way to the customers.
- 3Keep improving the products based on customer feedback to perfectly fit their needs and contribute to solving their problems.
Global technical support infrastructure
The majority of our products are used in semiconductor wafer fabs where 24/7 full-time operation is the norm for all the production equipment. Lasertec has established an infrastructure of local field support and emergency backup to achieve the customer's uptime requirements.

Initiatives to enhance the safety and reliability of products
- In the event of an accident involving our product or a product failure, we will act swiftly to gather information. We will report the status to our top management and take corrective actions, with the entire team including suppliers and subcontractors closely working together.
- In the event of an occupational incident attributable to our product, we will keep the customer and other parties informed of the incident and our actions in an appropriate manner.
Recognitions and awards for excellence of technology and quality
- 2023 EPIC Distinguished Supplier Award from Intel Corporation, and other recognitions from various customers
- Ten Best New Products Award from the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (Daily Industrial News) <2013, 2017, 2019, 2023>
- Semiconductor of the Year Award from Electronic Device Industry News <2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2024>